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Bobby, the reading buddy, is a smart bookmark that assists kids on their reading journey and empowers them to become independent readers. 

Skills 🥷🏻

AI, IoT device, UX, Mobile UI, Improving the reading experience, Smart bookmark

Timeline 🚨

3 weeks

Team 🦸🏻‍♀️

Solo project

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Visual aid

Once the device is attached to the book and turned on, it starts scanning the pages so that it can capture all the data. 

Once the child starts reading the book, the device can now easily find its place in the book.


Bobby uses Projection Mapping, to project a contrasting line underlining each word on the page for every word that the kid reads. This feature is especially useful for kids between the ages of 3yrs - 8yrs where they often lose their place while reading. 

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Bobby helps kids with tricky words by looking up the meanings and explaining them using verbal descriptions and pictorial cues.

It uses AI, ML and facial expression & tone analysis to gauge the child’s comprehension level and responds to integrated hand gestures (double tap on the word) and voice commands.

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Bobby listens at the child is reading and provides instant support when stuck by showing mouth animations and sounds using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to explain word combinations and phonics. 

It uses AI, ML, tone analysis to proactively be prepared for upcoming difficulties and responds to integrated hand gestures (long press on the word) and voice commands.

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Reporting, Analytics & Insights

Bobby provides detailed performance statistics for parents to track progress against the national average and creates tailored learning exercises to tackle specific problem areas.

It uses tone and facial expression analysis to gauge interest levels and accordingly suggest new titles, fostering a lifelong love for reading.


The journey to learning a new skill can be pretty lonely but it doesn’t have to be that way.

When the kids are on their own trying to figure it out, Bobby is the perfect buddy to bring a sense of companionship and make the process fun.

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Lifestyle integration

Bobby grows with the child and its features caters to the different needs throughout the lifecycle. The device is scalable and integrates into the user’s lifestyle.

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